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Laser Hair Removal

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Welcome to the Gallery of Aesthetics in South Jordan, where we unveil the magic of laser hair removal with the revolutionary Motus AX technology. We zap away unwanted hair while leaving the surrounding skin unfazed. Suitable for all skin types and colors, Motus AX delivers remarkable results, leaving you with beautifully smooth skin with little to no hair growth.

Zap Away Unwanted Hair Growth

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light to target and eliminate unwanted hair. The Motus AX system employed by the Gallery of Aesthetics offers a highly advanced approach, delivering precise and controlled energy pulses. The energy is absorbed by the hair follicles, impairing their ability to regrow hair. This effective and safe treatment provides long-lasting results, leaving your skin silky-smooth and hair-free.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Areas:

  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Bikini line
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Abdomen
  • Brazilian area

An Overview Of Your Laser Hair Removal Journey

  • Before Treatment:
  • Consultation with our skilled aesthetic professional.
  • Provide information about your medical history and any medications you’re taking.
  • Discuss your desired outcomes and expectations.
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds.
  • Refrain from waxing, plucking, or electrolysis.
  • Shave the treatment area before your session.
  • Follow any additional instructions provided by your aesthetic professional.

During Treatment:

  • Wear protective eyewear provided by the aesthetic professional.
  • Relax and make yourself comfortable in the treatment room.
  • The aesthetic professional will guide the Motus AX laser device over the targeted area.
  • You may feel a mild sensation of warmth or a slight snapping feeling during the treatment.
  • The device’s built-in cooling technology ensures your comfort throughout the session.
  • Treatment duration varies depending on the size of the treatment area.
  • The aesthetic provider applies a cooling gel to soothe your skin.

After Treatment:

  • You may experience mild redness or sensitivity in the treated area for a few hours.
  • Apply any recommended post-treatment soothing or hydrating products.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen on the treated area.
  • Do not wax, pluck, or use depilatory creams between sessions.
  • Follow the recommended schedule for optimal results.
  • Achieve flawless, hair-free skin after 6 to 9 sessions, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

  • Long-lasting results
  • Precision targeting of hair follicles
  • Reduction in hair thickness and density
  • Smooth and silky skin
  • Minimized ingrown hairs
  • No need for frequent shaving, waxing, or plucking
  • Time-saving solution
  • Suitable for various skin types and hair colors
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment
  • Lower risk of skin irritation compared to traditional hair removal methods

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal utilizes selective photothermolysis, a scientific principle that targets hair follicles while sparing the surrounding skin. The concentrated laser emits a specific wavelength of light absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicle. This absorption converts light energy into heat, damaging the follicle’s ability to grow new hair. With multiple sessions, the cumulative effect results in long-lasting reduction or elimination of unwanted hair.

How is laser hair removal better than regular waxing or shaving?
Laser hair removal offers several advantages over regular waxing or shaving methods. Unlike temporary solutions, laser hair removal provides long-lasting results, reducing the need for frequent maintenance. It targets hair follicles directly, resulting in diminished hair thickness and density over time. Laser hair removal minimizes the risk of ingrown hairs and skin irritation, offering a more comfortable and convenient alternative for hair-free skin.

Why do you use Motus AX for laser hair removal?
We use the Motus AX for laser hair removal due to its exceptional features and benefits. The Motus AX combines Alexandrite (755nm) and Nd:YAG (1064nm) wavelengths to effectively treat various skin types. Its sapphire tip and contact cooling handpiece ensure optimal energy absorption, and the integrated contact cooling system further enhances the overall treatment experience, ensuring optimal comfort during the treatment.

Why do you need multiple sessions?
Multiple sessions are necessary for laser hair removal due to the hair growth cycle and the progressive nature of the treatment. Hair follicles go through different growth stages, and laser treatment is most effective during the active growth phase. Multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart ensure all hair follicles are targeted at their most susceptible stage. The cumulative effect of these sessions leads to long-lasting hair reduction.

Important Laser Hair Removal Details:

Treatment Duration: 30 minutes
Downtime: None
Onset of Results: Several weeks after the first session
Longevity of Results: Nearly permanent, with occasional maintenance
Optimal Frequency: 6 to 9 sessions, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart

Visit the Gallery of Aesthetics Today

Gallery of Aesthetics invites you to embark on a luxurious journey toward your aesthetic goals. Our dedicated team values each individual’s unique goals and strives to deliver exceptional results. With cutting-edge treatments like laser hair removal using the advanced Motus AX system, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. Schedule a consultation and experience the difference of a client-centered approach to aesthetic wellness in South Jordan.

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